Installation – Dell PowerEdge 7250 User Manual
Page 31

BMC Management Utility
To install the BMC Management Utility on the management station, perform the following steps:
Log on with administrator privileges to the system where you want to install the system
management software components.
Exit any open application programs and disable any virus-scanning software.
Insert the Systems Management and Documentation CD into your system's CD drive.
The setup program should start automatically. If it does not, click the
Start button, click Run,
and then type x
:autorun.exe (where x is the drive letter of your CD drive).
Click Install BMC Management Utilities.
Click OK.
Click Open to proceed through the installation process and respond to the prompts, as
The setup program automatically installs all of the management station software for your
hardware configuration.
When the installation is complete, close the installation window.
See the for more information.
See the Dell OpenManage™ Version 1.8.3 User's Guide for additional information about installing
the BMC Management Utility on a management station.
Windows Operating Systems
By default, the installation program copies the files to the following directory:
C:\ProgramFiles\ Dell\OpenManage\bmcconsole.
Uninstalling the BMC Management Utility
To uninstall the BMC Management Utility, use the Add/Remove Programs utility in the Control
Red Hat Linux Operating Systems
By default, the installation program copies the files to the following locations: