Dell PowerEdge 7250 User Manual
Page 23

Configuring Your Managed System
Access Mode
This drop-down box configures the access mode for the LAN channel. The available options are:
Always Available: The channel is dedicated to communication with the BMC and is available
during all system states (powered-down, powered-up, pre-boot, sleep, run-time, etc.).
Disabled: The channel is not allowed to communicate with the BMC.
BMC Privilege Level Limit
This drop-down box determines the maximum privilege level at which communication on the
channel can take place. It is a global privilege level that takes precedence over user privilege levels.
For example, if a channel privilege level is set to the user level then only user-level commands can
be executed, regardless of the user privilege level.
The meanings of the different privilege levels are described below:
Callback: Only commands needed to initiate a callback session are allowed. Although Dell
OpenManage system management software does not support callback as a connection
mechanism, it is still a valid privilege level because it defines a set of BMC commands that
can be executed by a user.
User: Only "benign" commands are allowed. These are primarily commands that read data
structures and retrieve status. Commands that can be used to alter BMC configuration, write
data to the BMC or other management controllers, or perform system actions such as resets,
power on/off, and watchdog activation are disallowed.
Operator: All BMC commands are allowed, except for configuration commands that can
change the behavior of the out-of-band interfaces. For example, Operator privilege does not
allow the capability to disable individual channels, or to change user access privileges.
Administrator: All BMC commands are allowed, including configuration commands. An
administrator can execute configuration commands that would disable the channel that the
Administrator is communicating over.
Enable DHCP
The Enable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) check box enables or disables the
dynamic host configuration protocol to allow the system to automatically assign the Host IP
address, Default Gateway address, and Subnet mask. The IP address is assigned by the DHCP
server as a part of the system boot process. If an IP Address lease expires after the system boots, the
BMC will continue to use the expired address. It is recommended that IP addresses be assigned
with permanent leases.
When this option is enabled, the Host IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway IP Address
fields are disabled.