Particularities in data communication, Broadcast commands, Data saving – Baumer N 143 User Manual

Page 6: Transmission and reading of negative values

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N 143


3.4. Particularities in data communication

For reasons of compatibility, the entire multicon system operates on the same data length (see also table in
chapter „Command overview“). The data length does not relate to the number of digits in the display, i.e. com-
mand „R“ (read current value) implies transmission of 6 bytes whereas displayed are only 5. Digit 6 respectively
5 in negative values will ever come with a 0 (30h).

3.5. Broadcast commands

Some specific commands are so-called broadcast commands. Once the master transmits a command to ad-
dress 99 it will be adopted by all multicon devices in the network. Each spindle position display will execute the
respective command but will not confirm to master.

3.6. Data saving

Specific parameters are saved in the EEPROM (1.000.000 writing cycles). Data saving is performed via inter-
face upon every parameter transmission to the SPA. Important: We do not recommend cyclic transmission but
it would be wise after a parameter change only. Which parameters have been saved in the EEPROM can be
taken from the tables in chapter “Command explanations” or “Overview on commands”.

3.7. Transmission and reading of negative values

The negative sign (2DHex) ever comes in the 6th digit in the data field. Example: Negative target –1.50 impli-
cates the transmission value –00150.

3.8. Transmission and reading of position values (decimal point)

In the transmission or reading of position values such as target (command „S“), offset (command „U“) or limit
positions (command „g“) the decimal point is generally omitted. The decimal point in the display corresponds to
the format in the data field of the interface command. Hence, the transmission format relates to the resolution
(see command „a“).

Example 1: Resolution = 1/100; target = 278.50;current value = 1,00 Display

SOH Adr Cmd Profile no=17

target = 278,50


01h 20h 53h 31h

37h 30h 32h 37h 38h 35h 30h



Example 2: Resolution = 1/10; target = 278.5 current value = 1,0

SOH Adr Cmd Profile no=17

target = 278,5


01h 20h 53h 31h

37h 30h 30h 32h 37h 38h 35h



2 7 8.5 0

1.0 0

2 7 8.5
