Esc d [ n ] k nul – CITIZEN CBM-270 User Manual
Page 58

CBM-270 User’s Manual
Initializing the printer
<1B> H <40> H
Clears data stored in the print buffer and brings various settings to the initial
state (Default state).
· Data inside the internal input buffer are not cleared.
· Dip switches setting are red once again.
[Sample Program]
[Print Results]
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1B) ; " ! " ; CHR$ (&H30) ;
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1B) ; "V" ; CHR$ (1) ;
LPRINT CHR$ (&H1B) ; "@" ;
ESC D [ n ] k NUL
Setting horizontal tab position
<1B> H <44> H [
1 £ n £ 255
0 £ k £ 32
Specifying a horizontal tab position.
· "n" indicates the no. of columns from the beginning to the horizontal tab
position. At this time, n= set position- 1 is to be specified. For example, to set
the position at 9th column, n=8 is to be specified.
· k denotes the number of horizontal tab positions you want to set.
· The tab position is set at position where it is "character width x n" from the line
beginning. The character width, at this time, includes the rightward space
amount. In double wide characters, it is made double of the ordinary case.
· Tab positions can be specified are maximum 32. Specifying exceeding this is
ends at <00> H.
· ESC D NUL clears all the set tab positions. Following clearing, horizontal
tab command is ignored.
When the data,
assumed that tab setting is finished. If this is the case, the next data onward
will be processed as normal data.
When the data,
assuming "Set digit position = Maximum print digits + 1." The horizontal tab
position does not change even if the character width is altered after setting the
horizontal tab position.
· Initial value is specified for each eight characters(9th.17th.25th.33rd columns)
of Font A.
[See Also]
[Sample Program]
[Print Results]
See Sample Program and Print Results for HT on Page 46.
Each setting has
been initialized by
the reset command.