Chapter 4--operation, Setting up the workcell, Opening a new protocol – Hudson Robotics PlateCrane EX User Manual

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PlateCrane EX User Manual

Hudson Robotics, Inc.


CHAPTER 4--Operation

1. Setting up the Workcell

Once the PlateCrane and other instruments are configured with their correct
communication ports, you can setup your workcell. When all the plug-ins are configured
correctly left click the close button on the bottom right hand of the Plug-in Manager
screen. This will bring you back to the main SoftLinx page where you have two options
to choose from. The first is to open a new protocol and the second is to open an existing

2. Opening a new Protocol

When you open a new protocol there is no workcell that is associated with the protocol.
After you left click on the New Protocol button you will have to left click the Select
Plug-in button to setup your workcell


This will open the instrument selection window. This is where you will select which
instrument you want in your protocol/workcell. Left click on the check box next to the
instrument name that you want to add into your protocol. Then click ok on the bottom
the window to accept the changes and close the window.