Bio-Rad Aurum™ Total RNA 96 Kit User Manual
Page 20

Possible Cause
Recommended Solution
Low or highly variable Elution solution applied
Apply elution solution
eluate volumes among to RNA binding plate well directly to membranes at
base of each well
RNA binding plate not
Set plate properly and
seated properly
press down gently to
Abrupt application of
Increase negative
negative pressure during pressure gradually
over 5–10 sec using
the vacuum regulator
Residual wash buffer on
Blot RNA binding plate
drip directors
drip directors with paper
towels; ensure that the
plate underside is dry
Genomic DNA
Incomplete DNase I
Increase DNase I digestion
contamination digestion
Inactive DNase I
Store reconstituted
DNase I in a nonfrost-
free freezer; avoid
freeze-thaw cycles;
aliquot reconstituted
DNase I for single use
Excessive amount of
Reduce volume of
starting material per well culture used
Incorrect preparation
Use only the DNase
of DNase dilution
dilution solution provided
in the kit to dilute the
RNA degradation
RNase contamination of
DEPC-treat all handmade
user-made solutions
solutions; decontaminate
and/or plasticware
all work surfaces; see
Section 5 for more
Endogenous RNases
Work quickly through
the steps prior to the
addition of lysis solution