1 using the well editor – Bio-Rad QX100™ Droplet Digital™ PCR System User Manual

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QX100 Droplet Reader and QuantaSoft Software Instruction Manual

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Chapter 3 Using QuantaSoft Software

Chapter 3 Using QuantaSoft Software

3.1.1 Using the Well Editor

Use the well editor to define the settings (samples, experiment type, and detection type) for the plate. Sample
and experiment types are color-coded and can be customized for easy reference in the plate map.

1. To open the well editor, double-click on the well(s) you wish to edit.

To select multiple wells, hold Ctrl and select the wells

To select wells in a continuous series (horizontal or vertical), hold Shift and select the first and last wells

To select all wells in the plate, double-click in the top left corner of the plate

To select a row or column, double-click the letter or number for that row or column

Selected wells are highlighted in gray, and the well editor appears across the top of the interface.

2. In the Sample panel, enter the sample Name and select the Experiment from the drop-down menu. All

saved experiments appear in the drop-down menu, along with the option to add experiment... To create
or edit an experiment, use the experiment editor (see Section 3.1.2).

3. Define Assay 1 (channel 1, the FAM channel) and Assay 2 (channel 2, the VIC or HEX channel). Assign

each assay a Name and sample Type.

Settings appear in the Applied Well Settings box as you enter them. When you are done, click Apply or OK to
save the information.

The settings appear in the well in the plate map.

Assay type options.

Well editor. Settings for absolute quantification of two unknowns in a single sample are shown.

Unused — channel unused

Unknown — unknown, experimental sample

Reference — reference gene or target (required for CNV, RED, or ratio calculations)

Positive — positive control

Negative — negative control

Blank — no sample; use for wells that will not be analyzed

NTC — no-template control

QX100 Droplet Reader and QuantaSoft Software Instruction Manual

Reset — restore default settings

Apply — apply settings without exiting

well editor

Cancel — close without saving changes

OK — save changes and close well editor