LaMotte Tracer Salt Meter User Manual
Page 5

2000 count LCD with Bar Graph
pH Range
0.00 to 14.00
pH Accuracy
± 0.01 pH typical
pH ATC Range
32 to 194 °F (0 to 90 °C)
pH Measurement Storage 25 tagged (numbered) readings
pH Reference Junction
Permanent gel, non-refillable
Conductivity Range
0 to 199.9 µS/cm
200 to 1999 µS/cm
2.00 to 19.99 µS/cm
TDS Range
0 to 99.9 ppm and mg/L
100 to 999 ppm and mg/L
1.00 to 9.99 ppt and g/L
(variable ratio)
Salinity Range
0 to 99.9 ppm S
100 to 999 ppm S
1.00 to 9.99 ppt S
(fixed ratio of 0.5)
TDS Ratio
0.4 to 1.0, adjustable
Salinity Ratio
0.5 fixed
Conductivity ATC
2.0% per °C
Conductivity ATC Range 32.0 to 140.0 °F (0.0 to 60.0 °C)
Temperature Range
23.0°F to 194°F (–5.0°C to 90.0°C)
Temperature Resolution
0.1 up to 99.9, 1 >100
Temperature Accuracy
±1.8°F; 1°C; (from 23 to 122°F; -5 to 50°C)
±5.4°F; 3°C; (from 122 to 194°F; 50 to
Conductivity ATC Range 32.0°F to 140°F (0.0°C to 60.0°C)
Conductivity: ±2% FS
TDS: ±2% FS
Salinity: ±2% FS
Measurement Storage
25 numbered readings
Low Battery Indication
BAT’ appears on the LCD
Four CR2032 Lithium Ion batteries
Auto Power Off
After 10 minutes of no button presses
(override available)