04 torch operation – Tweco CE Ultima 150 User Manual
Page 27

Manual 0-2530
If the current is controlled with either a remote device
or the front panel pot, the current will be 0-100% of
the range established by the current limiter (#12). If
the current is controlled with an external remote de-
vice, and the remote control is set at 50%, then ap-
proximately 75 amps weld current will be provided.
(Note that the current limiter pot is nonfunctional when
using remote analog voltage input signal.)
To set the Current Limiter, turn the current adjust con-
trol (#11) fully clockwise, make sure the PANEL/RE-
MOTE switch is in PANEL mode (#14), depress the
current PREVIEW switch (#8), and adjust the Current
Limiter (#12) with small screwdriver to desired maxi-
mum current output.
8. Preview Pilot Current:
Depress Pilot Arc Preview switch (#7). Set current
(#6), if applicable by using a small screwdriver. Nor-
mal range for pilot current is 5-8 amps.
9. Preview Weld Current:
Depress Current Preview switch (#8). If in PANEL
mode (#14), turn front panel control (#11). If in RE-
MOTE mode, adjust REMOTE Amp control pot to de-
sired level.
10. Pilot On:
Set the ON/SET Switch to ON (#5). Pilot arc will start
and Pilot Arc indicator light will be GREEN to indi-
cate pilot arc enabled.
11. Torch
Position torch over weld segment approximately
.060" - .125" (1.2mm - 3mm).
12. Enable Arc
Start the welding arc. (The method for enabling the
arc - foot control, user supplied switch, etc. depends
on user setup). When enabled, the DC indicator light
is GREEN. Welding Arc will transfer. Set proper weld
time, travel speed, and adjust current to obtain the
weld performance desired.
4.04 Torch Operation
A. Torch Parts Selection
The torch parts selected (shield cup, tip and electrode)
must correspond to the type of operation. See torch manual
for torch setup.