0 set-up for smaw (stick) and gtaw (tig) – Tweco 185TSW DC CC User Manual
Page 31

Conventional operating procedures apply when using the Welding Power Source, i.e. connect work
lead directly to work piece and electrode lead is used to hold electrode. Wide safety margins
provided by the coil design ensure that the Welding Power Source will withstand short-term
overload without adverse effects. The welding current range values should be used as a guide
only. Current delivered to the arc is dependent on the welding arc voltage, and as welding arc
voltage varies between different classes of electrodes, welding current at any one setting would
vary according to the type of electrode in use. The operator should use the welding current range
values as a guide, then finally adjust the current setting to suit the application.
Figure 6– 185TSW AC/DC Set-up
Before connecting the work clamp to the
work and inserting the electrode in the
electrode holder make sure the Primary
power supply is switched off.
Remove any packaging material prior
Remove any packaging material prior
Remove any packaging material prior
Remove any packaging material prior
to use. Do not block the air vents at
to use. Do not block the air vents at
to use. Do not block the air vents at
to use. Do not block the air vents at
the front or rear or sides of the
the front or rear or sides of the
the front or rear or sides of the
the front or rear or sides of the
Welding Power Source.
Welding Power Source.
Welding Power Source.
Welding Power Source.
DO NOT change the Weld Mode or
DO NOT change the Weld Mode or
DO NOT change the Weld Mode or
DO NOT change the Weld Mode or
Weld Process Mode until after POST-
Weld Process Mode until after POST-
Weld Process Mode until after POST-
Weld Process Mode until after POST-
FLOW time has finished.
FLOW time has finished.
FLOW time has finished.
FLOW time has finished.