Cutmaster a60 – Tweco A60 Cutmaster User Manual

Page 24

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Manual 0-4981


Most units are shipped from the factory with a 230 Volt input

power cable wired to the input contactor in the single - phase

configuration. The following illustrations and directions are

for changing that configuration to a different voltage and or to

three - phase operation or back again if a change had already

been made.

A. Cover Removal

1. Remove the upper and lower screws which secure the

cover to the main assembly. Do not loosen the lower

screws inside the cut out slots in the bottom of the



The upper screws and lower screws are not the

same. Do not mix them. The upper screws are

for threading into the plastic of the front and rear

panels. DO NOT use the finer threaded lower

screws for this.

2. Carefully pull the Cover up and away from the unit.

B. Cover Installation

1. Reverse previous procedures for cover installation.


When installing the upper screws, attempt to reuse

the original threads. The easiest way to do this is

by turning the screw counter-clockwise until you

feel the threads line up, then begin to turn the screw

clockwise to tighten. Do not over tighten.

C. Input Power Selection

Set the Input Voltage Selection Switch at the rear of the unit

based on the primary input voltage it is connected to. Low is

208/230 VAC and high is 460 VAC.

D. Quick Guide to Phase Wiring

Single Phase Input Power Wiring

Three Phase Input Power Wiring


There is only one jumper setting that changes

between the single and three phase settings. To

change from single phase to three phase, the cop-

per bus bar jumper connected to L2 and L3 needs

to be removed and placed in a safe place for re-

use. We suggest the spare parts box in the power

supply. See previous illustrations.