Cutskill 35a – Tweco 35A CutSkill Power Supply and SL40 Torch EU version User Manual
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cutskill 35A
Manual 0-5180 4-3 OPERATION
When operating the torch in a normal condition, a small amount of gas vents through the gap between
the shield cup and torch handle. Do not attempt to over tighten the shield cup as irreparable damage to
internal components may result.
B. Torch Connection
Check that the torch is properly connected.
C. Check Primary Input Power Source
1. Check the power source for proper input voltage. Make sure the input power source meets the power require-
ments for the unit per Section 2, Specifications.
2. Connect the input power cable (or close the main disconnect switch) to supply power to the system.
D. Gas Selection
Ensure gas source meets requirements listed in section 2T. Check connections and turn gas supply on.
E. Connect Work Cable
Clamp the work cable to the workpiece or cutting table. The area must be free from oil, paint and rust. Connect
only to the main part of the workpiece; do not connect to the part to be cut off.
Art # A-03387
F. Power On
Place the power supply ON / OFF switch to the ON (I) position. Power indicator
turns on.
Art # A-09181
Front Panel With Power ON/OFF Indicator