Set up of radiant mixing control – tekmar 704 Mixing Station User Manual

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2005 D







water temperature rises 1/2 of the differential above the required boiler supply temperature. If the differential is too wide, there can
be large supply water temperature swings; however, if the differential is too narrow, the boiler short cycles and operates ineffi ciently.
This control automatically calculates the boiler differential in order to achieve an appropriate balance between temperature swings
and boiler effi ciency. This also permits the control to adapt to changing loads and conditions.
The RMC only operates the boiler once the output of the injection circulator exceeds 10% of fl ow.


When the RMC “Enables” the boiler, the RMC opens and closes the boiler contact based on the output of the variable speed injection
pump. The actual temperature and cycling of the boiler is then determined by other controls or the aquastats on the boiler itself.
When operating in the boiler enable mode, the boiler contact turns on once the variable speed output exceeds 25%. The boiler con-
tact shuts off if the output of the variable speed drops below 5% for more than three minutes or if the demand is removed from the


Cool water is often returned to the boiler from low temperature radiant fl oor heating systems or when the heating system is recover-
ing from night setback. This cool boiler return water may cause the boiler to operate at such a low temperature that the fl ue gases
condense. Alternatively, when the boiler surfaces are hot due to previous loads such as domestic hot water generation, the large
temperature difference (Delta T) between the boiler and its return water can cause the boiler to become thermally shocked. Proper
protection of the boiler under these circumstances is required.
When a boiler sensor is connected to the control, the RMC is capable of providing boiler protection. When providing boiler protection,
the RMC limits the output of the variable speed injection pump in order to reduce the amount of cool water being returned to the boiler.
This allows the boiler temperature to increase to a point that avoids fl ue gas condensation.

Boiler Protection with Boiler Enable OFF

When the Boiler Sensor is set to the “Return” setting the control begins to back off the variable speed injection pump when the
boiler temperature drops below the Boiler Minimum Setting.

Boiler Protection with Boiler Control ON

When the Boiler Sensor is set to the “Supply” setting the control begins to back off the variable speed injection pump when the
boiler temperature drops 1/2 of the Differential below the Boiler Minimum Setting.

Note: If a boiler sensor is not installed, the RMC cannot provide boiler protection.


Improper installation and operation of this product could result in damage to the equipment and possibly personal injury. It is your

responsibility to ensure that this product is installed in a safe manner according to all of the applicable codes, standards and instruc-
tions. The electronic control contained in this product is not intended as a primary limit control. Removal of the PC Board from its
enclosure can result in damage to the control and possibly even personal injury. Refer to qualifi ed personnel for servicing.


• Remove the screw from the front of the control.

• Grasp the front of the control and remove it from the blue plastic enclosure surrounding the injection mixing block.

• Wiring to the control is connected to the back of the circuit board using either the indicated spade connectors, molex connectors or
the snap on terminal plugs. These may need to be disconnected to fully remove the control.

Set Up of Radiant Mixing Control