Range test your radio, Flying your model – E-flite Leader 480 User Manual

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E-flite Leader 480 ARF Assembly Manual

Range Test your Radio

Before each flying session, and especially with a new

model, it is important to perform a range check. It

is helpful to have another person available to assist

during the range check. If you are using a Spektrum

transmitter, please refer to your transmitter’s manual for

detailed instructions on the range check process.

1. With the model resting on the ground, stand 30

paces (approximately 90 feet) away from the model.

2. Face the model with the transmitter in your

normal flying position. Be sure the throttle is in the

full down position and plug the flight battery into

the speed control.

3. As you move the controls, watch to be sure the

airplane’s motor and controls operate smoothly.

You should have total control of the model at 30

paces (90 feet).

4. If control issues exist, call the appropriate

Horizon Product Support office (see page 43) or

go to to find a local Spektrum

distributor in your country for service if using a

Spektrum radio system.

Flying your Model

The Leader 480 is an extremely well mannered low-

wing park flyer with the heart of a pattern plane.

Its ground handling characteristics are very forgiving

due to the tricycle landing gear arrangement. Set the

throttle trim such that the propeller is spinning over at

a very low RPM. Taxi out to the runway and line up

with the centerline and check to ensure that the controls

are moving in the correct directions and that your rate

switches are set to their proper positions. Smoothly

advance the throttle and hold slight back pressure on

the elevator. Use very small rudder corrections to keep

the airplane tracking straight down the runway, and

the Leader should gently break ground after a short

takeoff roll and settle into a moderate climb angle.

Once at altitude, set cruise power to between ½ to

¾ throttle and trim for straight and level flight. After

trimming and making a few passes, try some slow

flight. Point the nose into the wind and reduce power

and feed up elevator to maintain level flight. The

airplane will slow down to a crawl and break straight


Now for the fun part. With the light weight of the

airframe, and the power of the Park 480 motor, the

Leader 480 is a very capable aerobatic performer.

Due to the force arrangement and the generous tail

moment, the Leader tracks incredible lines. Big loops,

slow axial rolls, snap rolls, inverted flight, spins, stall

turns, and more are well within this agile flyer’s realm

of capability. Use your imagination to create your own

aerobatic sequence for endless fun.

When the time comes bring this bird back to earth, fly

parallel to the runway downwind and slowly reduce

power. Begin to bleed off airspeed and descend. Once

lined up with the runway, use the elevator to control

airspeed and power to control rate of descent and

establish a stable glidepath to the approach end of the

runway. Once you are a few feet above the runway,

begin to shallow your descent rate and reduce power

completely. Once you settle into ground effect, it will

settle onto the runway in a slightly nose-high attitude.

If the nose is kept high during the roll out, speed will

bleed off much quicker. Just as with the takeoff, use

small rudder corrections to keep the airplane tracking

straight down the runway.

Congratulations, you have just flown your Leader 480!

We wish you many more happy flights with this model.

Now grab a battery and do it again!

Happy Landings!