Troubleshooting guide, Air gap drain – Watts 994 User Manual

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A. Assembly discharges

from differential relief

valve during no flow


Fouled first check

Disassemble and clean No. 1

check valve

Fluctuating inlet pressure

Control supply line water


Install a soft seated, spring

loaded, check valve up-

stream of the assembly.

Outlet pressure higher than

inlet pressure & leak in No. 2

check valve

Disassemble, clean #2 check

valve & identify cause of


Leak through diaphragm or

around flange bolt holes of

relief valve

Service relief valve

Pressure relief valve does not


See problem D

B. Assembly discharges

from differential relief

valve during a flow


No. 1 check valve wedged


Disassemble and clean No. 1

check valve

O-ring displaced from groove

in 1st check

Disassemble and replace

Pressure relief valve does not


See problem D

Fluctuating line pressure

C. Differential pressure

relief valve does not

open during test

Differential pressure across

No. 1 check valve stays above

2.0psi due to leaking outlet

gate valve

Repair shutoff valves

Weak or broken relief valve


Disassemble and replace

relief valve spring

Shutoff seat tube bound in


Disassemble and repair

Plugged hydraulic hose

Disassemble and repair

D. Pressure relief valve

does not close

Debris on sealing surface

Remove relief valve and clean

Plugged hydraulic hose

Disassemble and clean

Damaged seat or rubber

shutoff disc

Remove relief valve assembly

and replace

Ruptured diaphragm

Disassemble and replace


Wrinkled or improperly in-

stalled diaphragm

Disassemble and properly

position diaphragm

Troubleshooting Guide

Air Gap Drain





2” Pipe


RP-IS-994/994RPDA 1319

EDP# 1915230

© 2013 Watts

USA: Tel: (978) 688-1811 • Fax: (978) 794-1848 •

Canada: Tel: (905) 332-4090 • Fax: (905) 332-7068 •

limited warranty: Watts Regulator Co. (the “Company”) warrants each product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal usage for a period of one year from the date of

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THE waRRanTy SET FORTH HEREin iS GiVEn EXpRESSly and iS THE Only waRRanTy GiVEn By THE cOMpany wiTH RESpEcT TO THE pROducT. THE cOMpany MaKES nO OTHER

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The remedy described in the first paragraph of this warranty shall constitute the sole and exclusive remedy for breach of warranty, and the Company shall not be responsible for any incidental, special

or consequential damages, including without limitation, lost profits or the cost of repairing or replacing other property which is damaged if this product does not work properly, other costs resulting

from labor charges, delays, vandalism, negligence, fouling caused by foreign material, damage from adverse water conditions, chemical, or any other circumstances over which the Company has no

control. This warranty shall be invalidated by any abuse, misuse, misapplication, improper installation or improper maintenance or alteration of the product.

Some States do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, and some States do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. Therefore the above

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SO FaR aS iS cOnSiSTEnT wiTH applicaBlE STaTE law, any iMpliEd waRRanTiES THaT May nOT BE diSclaiMEd, includinG THE iMpliEd waRRanTiES OF

MERcHanTaBiliTy and FiTnESS FOR a paRTiculaR puRpOSE, aRE liMiTEd in duRaTiOn TO OnE yEaR FROM THE daTE OF ORiGinal SHipMEnT.

A Watts Water Technologies Company

waRninG: This product contains chemicals known to the

State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or

other reproductive harm.

For more information:

For repair kits and parts, refer to our

Backflow Prevention Products Repair

Kits & Service Parts price list PL-RP-BPD

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