Series 994 installation instructions, Parallel indoors above ground, Installation – Watts 994 User Manual

Page 3: Start up

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Series 994 Installation Instructions

*For additional information on Watts insulated enclosures refer to literature ES-WB.



Above Ground

12” (300mm) min.

Refer to

Local Codes


12” (300mm) min.

Refer to

Local Codes

12” (300mm) min.

Refer to Local Codes

*Insulated Enclosure


A. Series 994 shall be installed in a horizontal po si tion. The shutoff

valve with the test cock is to be mounted on the inlet side of the

back flow pre ven ter. The test cock is on the in let side of the shut-

off valve.

B. The 994 should always be installed in an ac ces si ble lo ca tion to

fa cil i tate test ing and ser vic ing. Check the state and local codes

to en sure that the back flow pre ven ter is installed in com pli ance,

such as the prop er height above the ground. The back flow pre-

venter must be sup port ed and is not de signed to car ry full weight

of the stand pipe.

C. Water discharge from the relief valve should be vented in ac cor-

dance with code re quire ments. The relief valve should never be

sol id ly piped into a drain age ditch, sew er or sump. The dis charge

should be funneled through a Watts air gap fitting piped to a floor


D. Watts recommends a strainer be in stalled ahead of Watts Series

994 as sem blies to pro tect the discs from un nec es sary foul ing.




Do not install a strainer ahead of the backflow pre ven ter on

seldom-used, emergency water lines (i.e. fire sprinkler lines). The

strainer mesh could potentially become clogged with debris pres-

ent in the water and cause water blockage during an emer gen cy.

Start Up

E. The downstream shutoff should be closed. Open up stream slow-

ly, fill the valve and bleed the air through Test cock 2, 3 and 4.

When valve is filled, open the down stream shutoff slowly and fill

the wa ter sup ply sys tem. This is nec es sary to avoid wa ter ham-

mer or shock dam age.

F. The installation of a Watts air gap with the drain line ter mi nat ing

above a floor drain will handle any normal dis charge or nuisance

spit ting through the relief valve. How ev er, floor drain size may

need to be de signed to pre vent water damage caused by a cat a-

stroph ic fail ure con di tion. Do not reduce the size of the drain line

from the air gap fit ting.

G. Two or more smaller size valves can be piped in parallel (when

ap proved) to serve a large supply pipe main. This type of in stal la-

tion is employed where in crease capacity is needed be yond that

pro vid ed by a single valve and per mits test ing or ser vic ing of an

in di vid u al valve with out shut ting down the com plete line.

The number of assemblies used in par al lel should be de ter mined

by the en gi neer’s judge ment based on the op er at ing conditions

of a spe cif ic in stal la tion.




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