Overview, Sensor configuration – Banner WORLD-BEAM QS30 Water Sensor User Manual
Page 2

WARNING: Not To Be Used for Personnel Protection
Never use this product as a sensing device for personnel protection. Doing so could lead to seri-
ous injury or death. This product does NOT include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to
allow its use in personnel safety applications. A sensor failure or malfunction can cause either an ener-
gized or de-energized sensor output condition.
The Banner QS30H2O series water sensor was developed to detect the pres-
ence of water. Its electro-optical components are tuned to one absorption
band of water in the long infrared spectrum. The emitted infrared light pene-
trates many types of plastic and glass containers, but will not pass through
water-based fluids, nor through opaque substances such as wood, metal or
cardboard. Accessory apertures are available to attenuate or shape the beam
for low-gain applications, for example, clear water in a clear bottle.
Low-gain models are recommended for sensing applications where the liquid
container is transparent or when the thickness of liquid being detected is
small. Some examples are clear glass test tubes and clear PET beverage bot-
tles. High-gain models are recommended when the liquid container is light-
blocking (translucent) and when the thickness of liquid being detected is large.
Some examples are HDPE milk containers, colored PET beverage bottles,
and etched glass containers. Super High-Power models are recommended for
thick, opaque containers that require maximum burn-through power at a slow-
er response speed.
For all applications, the sensors must be installed to maximize the optical con-
trast between the clear and blocked states. The installer can use apertures
and mechanical alignment of the sensors to achieve the best results (see
page 3). The QS30H2O sensor enhances the available contrast by taking ad-
vantage of the absorption band of water.
Figure 1. Features
Emitter Power LED (Green)
Output Conducting (Yellow, Discrete Mod-
els Only)
Receiver Power LED (Green)
AID Indicator (Yellow)
For advanced applications, a 0–10V analog output is available. The analog output allows the user to directly measure the amount of
signal attenuation. The analog output value can be filtered and a switching threshold determined in a PLC or computer as required for the
application. Please consult the factory for more information on using the analog output.
Each discrete output model has two bipolar outputs that switch simultaneously: one each NPN (sinking) and PNP (sourcing). Light Oper-
ate and Dark Operate models are available.
The versatile housing provides multiple mounting configurations in a minimum of space. These sensors are extremely rugged, powerful
and leakproof, with epoxy-encapsulated electronics for maximum resistance to mechanical shock and vibration. They are powerful
enough to burn through dust and many types of industrial and process contamination.
The sensors’ innovative circuitry provides excellent EMI/RFI noise immunity. For applications where optical crosstalk between multiple
sensor pairs may be a problem, either of two modulation frequencies may be selected. (Set each emitter to the same frequency as its
receiver, via the sensor hookup; see
Figure 2. Sensor Alignment Procedure
on page 7.)
Each sensor has a green Power ON/OFF indicator, visible from 360° (see Figure 1). Receivers also have a yellow AID indicator that
flashes to show signal strength. (The higher the flash rate, the more light is received; a solid AID LED indicates excellent signal.) Discrete
models also have a large yellow LED that lights when an output is conducting.
Sensor Configuration
Teaching Limits
Discrete models require no configuration; simply align the emitter to the receiver to maximize contrast between the clear and blocked
conditions (see
Figure 2. Sensor Alignment Procedure
on page 3).
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P/N 136166 rev. C