Dynamic teach and adaptive thresholds – Banner WORLD-BEAM QS30 Series User Manual

Page 3

background image

Push Button

Remote Line


0.04 seconds ≤ “Click” ≤ 0.8

0.04 seconds ≤ T ≤ 0.8 sec-

Access TEACH

Press and hold Static (-) button
for more than 2 seconds

No action required; sensor is
ready for 1st TEACH condi-

Power LED: OFF
Output LED: ON
Bar graph: #5 and 6 alternately flash

TEACH Output
ON Condition

Present Output ON condition
and click the Static (-) button

Present Output ON condition
and single-pulse the remote

Power LED: OFF
Output LED: Flash, then OFF
Bar graph: #5 and 6 alternately flash

TEACH Output
OFF Condition

Present Output OFF condition
and click the Static (-) button

Present Output OFF condi-
tion and single-pulse the re-
mote line

TEACH Accepted
Power LED: ON
Bar graph: One LED flashes to show relative con-
trast (good signal difference shown; see table
Sensor returns to RUN mode

TEACH Unacceptable
Power LED: OFF
Bar graph: #1, 3 and 5, 7 alternately flash to show
Sensor returns to “TEACH Output ON Condition”

Dynamic TEACH and Adaptive Thresholds

• • Teach on-the-fly
• • Sets a single switching threshold (switching point)
• • Threshold position is adjustable using “+” and “-” buttons (Manual Adjust)
• • Recommended for applications where a machine or process may not be stop-

ped for teaching.

Dynamic TEACH is a variation of two-point TEACH. It programs the sensor during
actual machine run conditions, taking multiple samples of the light and dark condi-
tions and automatically setting the threshold at the optimum level.
Dynamic TEACH activates the sensor’s adaptive threshold system, which continu-
ously tracks minimum and maximum signal levels, and automatically maintains cen-
tering of the threshold between the light and dark conditions. The adaptive threshold
system remains in effect during Run mode. The adaptive routine saves to non-vola-
tile memory at least once per hour.

Sensor positions

threshold midway

between taught conditions


(no signal)

Most Light



Output OFF

Output ON

Darkest Taught


Lightest Taught



adjusted by

Manual Adjust

When Dynamic TEACH mode is used, the output ON state (Light or Dark Operate) will remain as it was last programmed. To change the
output ON state, use Setup Mode.
The sensing threshold may be adjusted (fine-tuned) whenever the sensor is in RUN mode by clicking the “+” and “-” buttons. However,
when a manual adjustment is made, the adaptive threshold system is disabled (cancelled).

Bar Graph LED (Following TEACH)

Relative Signal Difference/Recommendation

6 to 8

Excellent: Very stable operation.

4 to 5

Good: Minor variables will not affect sensing reliability.

2 to 3

Low: Minor sensing variables may affect sensing reliability.

WORLD-BEAM QS30EDV Expert Diffuse-Mode Sensor

P/N 127755 Rev. C - tel: 763-544-3164