Banner D11 Series User Manual
D11 expert series, Specifications

Low-cost TEACH-mode sensors for use with plastic fiber optics
Models available with integral 2 m (6.5 ft)
cable or Pico-style quick-disconnect (QD)
connector; 9 m (30 ft) cables are also
• Low-cost, 10 to 30V dc, self-contained, TEACH-mode sensors for use with all Banner
plastic fiber optics
• Compact 11 mm-wide housing designed for DIN rail mounting; also mounts to other
surfaces using the supplied mounting bracket
• Easy push-button TEACH-mode programming automatically adjusts sensitivity to opti-
mal setting
• D11E sensors are designed for low-contrast sensing applications (sensitivity set to just
above the “dark” condition)
• D11E2 series sensors set the switching point midway between the “dark” and “light”
conditions to ignore subtle changes, such as web flutter
• Fast, 200 microsecond (0.2 millisecond) output response; a 40 millisecond output pulse
stretcher also may be programmed
• Models available with NPN (sinking) or PNP (sourcing) output
• Output may be programmed for either light operate (“LO”) or dark operate (“DO”)
• Separate input allows remote programming by an external device, such as a switch or
a process controller
• LED status indications for power ON, output state, received signal strength, and sens-
ing contrast
Switching Threshold Set-
Output Type
Maximum Range (Diffuse mode performance
based on 90% reflectance white test card)
Just above the “dark” condi-
2 m (6.5 ft)
NPN (sinking)
Range varies by sensing mode and fiber optics used:
• PIT46U fibers, opposed mode: 180 mm (7.1") 1
• PIT26U fibers, opposed mode: 50 mm (2.0")
• PBT46U fiber, diffuse mode: 50 mm (2.0")
• PBT26U fiber, diffuse mode: 10 mm (0.4")
4-pin Pico QD
2 m (6.5 ft)
PNP (sourcing)
4-pin Pico QD
Midway between “dark” and
“light” conditions
2 m (6.5 ft)
NPN (sinking)
4-pin Pico QD
2 m (6.5 ft)
PNP (sourcing)
4-pin Pico QD
Standard 2 m (6.5 ft) cable models are listed. To order the 9 m (30 ft) cable model, add suffix "W/30" to the cabled model number. For
example, D11EN6FP W/30. Models with a QD connector require a mating cable. (See Accessories).
WARNING: Not To Be Used for Personnel Protection
Never use this device as a sensing device for personnel protection. Doing so could lead to serious
injury or death. This device does not include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to allow its
use in personnel safety applications. A sensor failure or malfunction can cause either an energized or de-
energized sensor output condition.
Supply Voltage and Current
10 to 30V dc (10% maximum ripple) at less than 45
mA, exclusive of load
Required Fiber Optic Cable
PI or PB Series plastic fibers
1 Opposed-mode range may be extended using optional lenses (see catalog for available lenses).
D11 Expert Series
P/N 44279 Rev. C