Metrohm Multi-Mode Electrode pro User Manual
Page 37

5 Maintenance
6.1246.120 Multi-Mode-Electrode pro
If you use another software than 797 VA Computrace, then follow the
instructions on adjusting the needle valve in the manual of your instru-
For adjusting the needle valve you need the wrench (6.1247.220) or a
coin which will fit the slot of the screw.
1 Preparation
Place an empty measuring vessel.
Set the inert gas supply to 1.0 to 1.2 bar, in order to pressurize
the electrode.
In the 797 VA Computrace software, open the dialog Compu-
trace Control with Utility
▶ Computrace Control and select
the electrode type HMDE.
As soon as a drop of mercury appears at the tip of the capillary,
fill approximately 20 mL of water and a few drops of KCl-solution
into the measuring vessel.
2 Rough adjustment
With the wrench, rotate the screw of the needle holder (1-1)
clockwise until the mercury stops dropping.
Check: After each half rotation of the screw, knock off the drop
and check if a new drop is forming.
3 Fine adjustment
Rotate the screw slowly counterclockwise until a new drop is
Reseal the capillary with a small rotation in clockwise direction
(ca. 10°).
Rotate the screw clockwise by another quarter rotation (90 –
The MME pro is now ready for operation.