1 optimization of the pad parameters, Measuring interval (e1, t1 and ts), Regeneration interval (e2, e3, t2 and t3) – Metrohm 871 Advanced Bioscan User Manual

Page 26: Measuring frequency, Optimization of the pad parameters

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3 Basic principles

871 Advanced Bioscan / Instructions for Use 8.871.1003



Optimization of the PAD parameters

When adapting the method parameters the preset paramete

initially be used. Descriptions of various applications are availa

rs should

ble from

Metrohm AG in the form of Application Works and Application Notes.

These can be obtained from your local Metrohm agency or on the Inter-

net under



The potential profile shown in Figure 5 must always be matched to the

1, t2 and t3 and the measuring


Measuring int

The measuring pot


mization then you

reason the 871 Adv

cord the correspon
As each change in

cur at the working

is defined as t1 –

ground current and should therefore be selected so that it is not too

small. In practice a
The measuring inte

The available value

Regeneration interval (E2, E3, t2 and t3)

e required for the regeneration of the

electrode surface are primarily determined by the material of the work-

For example, –800 mV at 0.2 s or –150 mV at 0.4 s can be selected for

Measuring fre

In pulsed amperom
vals (t1 + t2 + t3)

reciprocal of this c

analyte under investigation. 7 parameters must be taken into account:

potentials E1, E2 and E3, time intervals t

time ts. Some

ic conditions are preset; this makes configuration

easier. These are described below.

erval (E1, t1 and ts)

ential depends on the substance being inve

If no data is available in the literature that can initially be used for opti-

can determine these parameters yourself. For this

anced Bioscan provides the scan mode. How to re-

ding voltammograms is described in Section 3.4.

potential can cause a higher charging current to oc-

electrode, the current measurement itself is only

started when the signal has stabilized itself to a large extent. This time

ts (see Figure 5). It influences the level of the back-

time of 0.1 to 0.4 s is frequently used.

rval ts is selectable with the 871 Advanced Bioscan.

s depend on t1.

The potentials E2 and E3 which ar

ing electrode.
With the gold electrode the oxide layer is formed at E2 > +200 mV

(Ag/AgCl) under alkaline conditions. Higher potentials accelerate oxide

formation, therefore in practice E2 = +750 mV and t2 = 0.2 s are often


E3 and t3.


etric detection the total of the three individual inter-

represents the duration of one measuring cycle. The

ycle duration (in seconds) gives the possible pulse