Metrohm 857 Titrando User Manual
Page 9

825 Lab Link, Instructions for Use
2.2 Configuration of the IP address of the 825 Lab
In order to address the 825 Lab Link in your network and to carry
out the further configuration you must first assign an IP address to
it. This must be unambiguous for the network and must not have
been used already. If necessary, contact the responsible network
If you know the IP address which is currently set for your 825 Lab
Link and if this can also be accessed under your network configu-
ration then you can also alter the IP address via a Telnet connec-
tion (see Section 4.1).
1 Connect 825 Lab Link to Titrando
For communication with the PC the 825 Lab Link needs a
power supply. Connect MSB cable 7 of the 825 Lab Link to
an MSB connection of the Titrando.
2 Connect 825 Lab Link to PC
Connect RS 232 connection 1 on the 825 Lab Link tempo-
rarily to a free COM interface of a PC. This must not neces-
sarily be the PC intended for use with the 825 Lab Link
Server software. Use the included 6.2134.040 Cable.
3 Configure terminal program
In any terminal program (e.g. Microsoft Windows Hyper-
Terminal) prepare a serial connection with the following
transmission parameters:
9600 baud
• emulation: VT100
8 data bits
no parity
1 stop bit
no handshake
These parameters only apply for this terminal connection
for setting the IP address!