1 introduction, 1 description, 2 arrangement and functions – Metrohm 857 Titrando User Manual
Page 6: Introduction, 1 description 1.2 arrangement and functions

1 Introduction
825 Lab Link, Instructions for Use
1 Introduction
1.1 Description
The 825 Lab Link System consists of the instrument 825 Lab
Link and the PC program 825 Lab Link Server. It allows the
Ethernet connection of a Titrando system with Touch Control.
Several Titrando systems can transfer their data (methods, re-
sults, LIMS data, etc.) to a networked PC with installed 825 Lab
Link Server software via such a TCP/IP connection. In this way
correspondingly configured folders of the server PC are available
to Touch Control as an additional memory medium.
In addition, the Titrando system also has the possibility of sending
E-Mail messages via the 825 Lab Link Server.
1.2 Arrangement and functions
The following illustration shows the schematic arrangement of a
Titrando system for network operation in combination with the 825
Lab Link Server. Peripheral devices such as stirrers, etc. have
been left out for reasons of clarity.