4 appendix, 1 special network settings, Appendix – Metrohm 857 Titrando User Manual
Page 26

4 Appendix
825 Lab Link, Instructions for Use
4 Appendix
4.1 Special network settings
In Section 2.2 a description is given of how to use an RS 232 ter-
minal program to set the IP address of the 825 Lab Link. This ad-
dress is then used when setting up a Lab Link connection in the
825 Lab Link Server (see Section 2.6).
If you know the IP address which is currently set on your 825 Lab
Link and if this can also be addressed within your network con-
figuration then you can also edit the IP address via a Telnet con-
nection. You can also use this Telnet connection for making spe-
cial adaptations of the TCP/IP configuration of the 825 Lab Link to
suit your network surroundings. If necessary, you should also
contact the responsible network Administrator.
First start a Telnet connection from a computer located in the
same sub-net as the IP address assigned in Section 2.2. For ex-
ample, this could be the PC intended for use with the 825 Lab
Link Server software. In this way you can simultaneously test the
network connection of the devices intended for use in the opera-
Use configuration Port 1111 of the 825 Lab Link:
telnet (IP-Address) 1111
The configuration menu appears as the answer:
* MINI Com-Server *
1. INFO System
2. SETUP System
3. SETUP Port 0 (Serial)
4. SAVE Setup
Note! In the TCP/IP menu do not set “BOOTP Client” to “on”.
This will activate the unnecessary DHCP capability of the 825 Lab
Link and will later prevent operation with the 825 Lab Link Server