Cyclopital3D FinePix Real 3D W1 camera User Manual
Page 14

Table of Contents
N TIME DIFFERENCE ...............................................................86
r 3D CAUTION DISP ..............................................................87
q OPT AXIS CONTROL ...........................................................87
Technical Note
Technical Notess
Optional Accessories ...................................................................88
Accessories from FUJIFILM .......................................................89
Caring for the Camera .................................................................90
Troubleshooting ............................................................................91
Warning Messages and Displays ............................................98
Glossary .......................................................................................... 102
Internal Memory/Memory Card Capacity ....................... 104
Specifi cations ............................................................................... 105
FUJIFILM Digital Camera Worldwide Network ............. 109
3 Caution: Using the FinePix REAL 3D
D display is recommended for young children (up to the age of about six) whose visual system is still maturing
and for individuals with notable diff erences in vision between their two eyes, who may fi nd it diffi
cult or impos-
sible to observe the
C eff ect. Should you experience fatigue or discomfort while viewing C images, cease use
immediately. A ten-minute break is recommended about once every half hour. Switch to
D immediately if C
images still appear double after you have adjusted parallax. Individuals with a history of photosensitive epilepsy
or heart disease or who are unwell or suff ering from fatigue, insomnia, or the aff ects of alcohol should refrain from
C images. Viewing C images while in motion may cause fatigue or discomfort.
File Formats
C pictures are recorded in one of two new formats: multi-picture format for photographs (pg. 18, 102) and 3D
movie fi le format for movies (pg. 41, 102).
D images are recorded in existing formats.