Cyclopital3D Panasonic 3DA1 Stereo Base Extender User Manual
Stereo base extender, Panasonic ag-3da1, Yclopital

Stereo Base Extender
for the
Panasonic AG-3DA1
What’s in the package:
1 Stereo Base Extender
1-15mm MounƟng Clamp
1-15mm MounƟng Base
2-15mm 18” carbon fiber rods
2-Hard Front Glass Covers
2- 37mm Rear Caps
2–Custom lens hoods
1- Hard sided case
Cyclopital3D Stereo Base Extender for
Panasonic AG-3DA1
This Stereo Base Extender (SBE) for the Panasonic 3DA1 helps
you to produce amazing 3D images of more distant subjects by
maintaining accurate depth portrayal when you use longer than
normal focal lengths. It is especially useful for capturing the action
in sporting events, getting up close at concerts, or shooting
wildlife while maintaining your distance. Anytime you want to get a
close look at your subject without getting too close to it.
The camera allows you to “zoom in” increasing the scale of "X"
and "Y" up to a factor of 5.6X Zoom. Now, using the Cyclopital3D
Stereo Base Extender, you can increase the scale in the "Z"
dimension too! The SBE increases the interaxial (lens spacing) by
4 times from 58mm to 200mm. The 4x interaxial makes your
subjects appear four times closer than they actually are; if you
also zoom to make them four times bigger, then it’s like you have
moved your camera to a position four times closer.
Using the SBE with lesser values of zoom will add depth to the
scene, but the expanded scale in Z can also make the world
appear somewhat “miniaturized.” Zooming in without the base
extender will make the world look “bigger,” but also “flatter” with
less depth, particularly in the subjects themselves. Taken to
extreme, zooming without increasing the stereo base can cause
“card-boarding,” where the subjects do not show the “roundness”
one sees in the real world, instead subjects may look like they are
painted on cardboard cutouts.
Errors in the scale of X and Y (errors in the aspect ratio) of an
image are clearly visible (and often “disturbing”) with less than a
20% difference in the scale of X vs. Y. Fortunately, our sensitivity
to scale errors in the Z dimension is much more “forgiving”.
However, as the error in the scale of Z approaches 200% the
“artifacts” mentioned above (miniaturization and card-boarding)
become more and more apparent.
Having a Z-scale to “play with” is the miracle of 3D
The SBE gives you an important and much needed
tool to address the creative opportunities of 3D depth and opens up a
whole new dimension of possibilities!