Bird Technologies 8327-300 User Manual
Page 16

Vent Plug
The vent plug must be used at all times when the unit is in operation or cooling. Failure to
do this could result in damage to the equipment and endanger the operator’s safety. Be
sure to check this plug.
Before placing the attenuator into service, the solid shipping plug, P/N 2450-049,
must be removed and replaced by the spring loaded vent plug, P/N 2450-094. The
vent hole for these plugs is located at the top left hand side near the front. The two
plugs are linked together by a short length of bead chain. The shipping plug should
be placed back in the vent hole whenever the attenuator is to be shipped. Be careful
not to lose the O-Ring seal. Refer to figures 2 and 3.
As an optional item, the attenuator can be provided with a thermoswitch assembly,
P/N 2450-056. When the thermoswitch is installed, it prevents possible damage from
accidental power overloading from the transmitter or equipment malfunction. The
thermoswitch is normally closed and opens at a maximum safe temperature. Since
the thermoswitch is connected in series with the transmitter interlock, it cuts off
transmitter power if the coolant temperature exceeds this value. The assembly
consists of:
s Thermoswitch body - P/N 2450-040
s Coupling Jack - P/N 2450-018
If the thermoswitch is to be field installed, proceed as follows:
1. Replace the vent plug with the shipping plug.
2. Stand the unit on its back end with the input connector end up.
Note: In this position there is no danger of the coolant pouring out through the
socket plug hole.
3. Remove the socket plug located just above the connector on the front
face of the radiator. Use a 9/16 hex wrench. Refer to figure 1.
4. Replace the plug with the thermoswitch. Use an acceptable pipe
sealing compound sparingly on
only the external threads of the
Note: Do not contaminate the coolant with pipe sealing compound.
5. Check the unit for coolant leaks.
O-ring seal
Figure 2
Shipping Plug
O-Ring Seal
Figure 3
Vent Plug
Bird Model 8327-300 Attenuator