Basic operation – Rockwell Automation 9329 Drive Application Software Positioning Point to Point User Manual

Page 7

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Quick Start – Positioning (Pt to Pt)

Drive Application Software – page 7 of 10

Basic Operation

The 32 bit command word [wDLx_DrvCmmdPositAM] is the only word that must be written to
for successful implementation of the Application Module – Positioning (Point to Point). Using
digital inputs or a communications network, simply write to the specified bit of the command
word to activate the associated function / action. A complete definition of the command word
is available in the notes routine of the unscheduled program in the application program.

Bit 00 Clear Fault – The Clear Fault input will clear all faults in the Logix program and the
drive. The clear fault will not function if the drive is in run.

Bit 01 Run (2 Wire), Bit 02 Start (3 Wire), Bit 03 Stop
– The start/stop control of the
application module is designed to support 2 and 3 wire operation simultaneously. Setting the
start command will start the drive and setting the stop command will cause the drive to ramp
to a stop. Setting the run command will start the drive and setting the run command low will
cause the drive to ramp stop. If the drive is started with the run command and the stop
command is then set, the drive will stop and will not restart until the run command is set low
and then high or if the start command is set. In any state of operation if the run command
transitions from high to low or the stop command is set the drive will ramp stop.

– When the drive is started with the Run or Start command the drive will operate
in speed control and regulate zero speed until a position command is given. When one of the
position commands is given, the drive will change to position control and move to the
commanded target position. When the target position is reached, the drive will remain in
position control and hold that target position until the stop or jog command is given. If the
desired operation of the position control is to stop motor control after the target position is
reached the drive should not be separately started. If the drive is in the stopped state when a
position command is given, the drive will start, move to the target position, and then stop.
Next Position and all Position xx inputs are position commands.

Bit 08 Home Sequence
– This will start the selected homing sequence. Select the desired
mode of homing sequence with [zDLx_HomingMode]. If the homing mode is selected for
“Direct 1 Sensor” the At Home Input (Bit 11) must be connected to a home position sensor
on the machine. If the homing mode is selected for “Direct 2 Sensors” the At PreHome
Input (Bit 12)
and the At Home Input (Bit 11) must be connected to position sensors.

1. Direct 1 Sensor – When the homing sequence is activated the drive will start in

speed mode, run in the reverse direction, and at the zDLx_HomeSpd1_Pct
speed. When the At Home Input (Bit 11) is set high the drive will current limit

2. Direct 2 Sensors – When the homing sequence is activated the drive will start in

speed mode, run in the reverse direction, and at the zDLx_HomeSpd1_Pct
speed. When the At PreHome Input (Bit 12) is set high the drive will ramp to
the zDLx_HomeSpd2_Pct speed. When the At Home Input (Bit 11) is set high
the drive will current limit stop.

Bit 09 Set Home – Sets the current position of the machine as HOME. Typically used during
commissioning of Linear ABS mode to set the home position of an absolute feedback device.

Bit 16 Next Position
– Commands the drive to start, activates the position mode, and
commands the next target in the positioning sequence. When the drive reaches the
requested target position, the drive will stop. If the drive was already running, the drive will
not stop controlling the motor when the target position is reached. The drive will not stop
regulation until the stop command is given.

Bits 19-30 Position xx
– Each position command will start the drive, activate the position
mode, and command the selected target for the position reference. When the drive reaches
the requested target position, the drive will stop. If the drive was already running, the drive
will not stop controlling the motor when the target position is reached. The drive will not stop
regulation until the stop command is given.