0 programming, 1 loading the operating system – Rockwell Automation 57C435 Processor Module, AutoMax User Manual
Page 21

For information about programming, seetheAutoMax language
instruction manuals and theAutoMax Executiveinstruction manual
referenced in 1.1.
The remainder of this section describes how to load the operating
system, or runbase, onto the Processor(s) in the rack and how to
access theavailableProcessor ports through application tasks. Note
that you cannot load a Version 1.0 runbase on a 57C430A or M/N
57C431 Processor module. You must load the runbase from the
Version 2.0 or Version 3.0 Programming Executive software. The M/N
57C435 Processor requires the runbase from the Version 3.1 or later
Programming Executivesoftware. You will not beableto load the
operating system using an earlier version of the Programming
Executive software.
Loading the Operating System
Beforeyou can go onĆlineto any rack in thesystem, theoperating
system, or runbase, for the AutoMax Processor module(s) must be
loaded to the local rack from the personal computer on which you
haveinstalled theAutoMax Executivesoftware. Theoperating
system, which oversees the operation of the CPU and the execution
of application tasks, is provided in three versions: 6010/6011 Ć
Standard, 6010/6011 Ć Ethernet, and 7010 Ć Standard. The 6010/6011
Ć Standard or 6010/6011 Ć Ethernet operating system can be used
with M/N 57C430A or M/N 57C431 Processors. In order to use the
Ethernet functions that allow communication over Ethernet using the
TCP/IP protocol, an Ethernet Network Interface module (M/N
47C440) must be installed in the rack and the Ethernet operating
system must be used. The Ethernet operating system is also required
if any of thefollowing functions areused in BASIC tasks:
Standard operating system, which supports all of the Ethernet
functions, must beused with theM/N 57C435 Processor.
When you load the operating system to the Processor modules in the
rack, you will be prompted for which operating system you want to
load for theM/N 57C430A and M/N 57C431 Processors. The7010 Ć
Standard operating system will be loaded onto all M/N 57C435
Processors. Notethat if you haveloaded the6010/6011 Ć Standard
operating system and then you use the Ethernet functions in an
application task, the Processor will display error code 4A on its LEDs
when you try to put the task into run.
The 6010/6011 Ć Ethernet operating system will occupy
approximately 121K or RAM, leaving 135K available for application
tasks on theM/N 57C430A Processor. The6010/6011 Ć Standard
operating system will occupy approximately 106K or RAM, leaving
150K availablefor application tasks on theM/N 57C430A Processor.
The M/N 57C431 Processor makes 300K available for application
tasks, regardless of which operating system is used. The M/N
57C435 Processor also makes 300K available for application tasks.
The operating system(s) will be loaded at the maximum baud rate
available for the Processors being used. If you are using 6010/6011
and 7010 Processors in thesamerack, makesuretheleftĆmost
Processor is a 7010 (M/N 57C435) Processor. This will allow the
operating systems to be loaded at 19200 baud. If the leftmost