0 mechanical/electrical description, 1 mechanical description – Rockwell Automation 57C435 Processor Module, AutoMax User Manual
Page 11

The following is a description of the faceplate LEDs, field termination
connectors, and electrical characteristics of the field connections.
Mechanical Description
The Processor module is a printed circuit board assembly that plugs
into thebackplaneof theDCS 5000/AutoMax rack. It consists of the
printed circuit board, a faceplate, and a protective enclosure. The
faceplatecontains tabs at thetop and bottom to simplify removing
themodulefrom therack. On theback of themodulearetwo edge
connectors that connect to the system backplane. Module
dimensions are listed in Appendix A.
Thefaceplateof theProcessor modulecontains two
independentlyĆisolated 25Ćpin D" shell connectors for RSĆ232C serial
I/O links. The upper port (labeled PROGRAMMER/PORT B") of the
leftmost Processor in the rack is reserved for connection to the
personal computer only. The personal computer can communicate
with all Processors in the rack through this connection.
All remaining Processor module ports (both those labeled
PROGRAMMER/PORT B" and PORT A") areavailablefor useby
application tasks running on the respective Processors. Refer to
figure2.1 for theProcessor modulefaceplateand Appendix C for a
pin description.