0 programming, 1 analog rail module in automate systems – Rockwell Automation 61C365 4 Output 4-20mA Analog Rail User Manual

Page 23

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This section describes how the data is organized in the module and

provides examples of how the module is accessed by application

When creating application programs, the programmer must estimate

the magnitude of output data because it must be in the specified

range of the Analog Rail module (0Ć4095).
Recall that at a digital output = 4096, the output rolls over to zero

again. The programmer must include limits in the application

software to ensure that the data sent to output channels is always in

the allowable range.


Analog Rail Module in AutoMate Systems

This section describes how the Analog Rail is used with AutoMate

systems. Local Head mode allows all four channels on the module

to be updated at the end of the scan (normal I/O update rate in this

configuration), or during the scan using AOUT blocks (see section

4.1.4). Rail mode allows only one channel to be updated at the end

of the scan (normal I/O update rate in this configuration), or all four

channels to be updated during the scan if AOUT blocks are used.


Configuring the AutoMate Processor for

Use with the Analog Rail Module

Configuration is the process of describing in software how the

hardware and software in the system are related. The Analog Rail

module is configured using the AutoMate Programming Executive

(APX) software, M/N 45C130 or 45C131. Select CONFIGURE

SYSTEM from the main menu to create the configuration.
Note that the Analog Rail module can also be configured using the

AutoMate Programming System (APS) software, M/N 45C134,

45C141, 45C142, or 45C143. Refer to instruction manual J2Ć3041 for

additional information.
The Analog Rail module is configured depending upon the mode in

which it is being used. See figures 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 for how

to configure the Analog Rail for use with AutoMate processors. The

sample configurations are shown as they appear on the APX screen.

Unless otherwise noted, all references to the AutoMate 20, 30, and

40 will also apply to the 20E, 30E and the 40E, respectively.