Rockwell Automation 1395 Digital Reference Adapter for RTP Applications User Manual

Page 59

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Publication 1395-RTP-5.2 - September 1997

Parameter Table


Parameter 573 – [A > DR QUAD ENABLE – Digital Reference

Use: Sets the encoder type of reference input.
Program Terminal Units: None
Maximum Value: ON
Minimum Value: OFF
Default Value: OFF

Description: This parameter, with Parameter 574, is used to setup the
digital reference input for the type of signal being supplied. If this
parameter is set the speed reference is a counting quad (4) edges on
the digital reference input.

Parameter 574 – [A > DR TWO EDGE – Digital Reference Input]

Use: Determines type of reference input.
Program Terminal Units: None
Maximum Value: ON
Minimum Value: OFF
Default Value: OFF

Description: This parameter, with Parameter 573, is used to set up
the digital reference input for the type of signal being supplied. If this
parameter is set the speed reference is a counting two (2) edges on the
digital reference input, rising and falling.

Parameter 579 – [A > Digital In 10]

Use: Maps Digital Input 10
Program Terminal Units: None
Maximum Value: 16
Minimum Value: 0
Default Value: 16

Description: This parameter is not used in the RTP Unwind Drive
applications. This parameter establishes whether or not this input will
be utilized by the digital logic state machine or not. When the
parameter is set to 16, (the default), the input is permanently assigned
to the state machine logic which communicates with the main control
board through configuration parameter 400. When the parameter is
set to any other value, the bit of the configuration digital input
auxiliary configuration parameter 406 (Port A), is affected by Digital
Input 9. When the parameter is set to a value other than 16, Digital
Input 9 is designed for use with Normally Open operator devices.