Weidmuller WI-I/O-EX: Wireless I/O Expansion Modules v1.11 User Manual
Page 9

WI-I/O-EX Serial I/O Module
User Manual v1.11
WI-IO-EX Manual v1.11
Page 9
1.1.6 Communications
The WI-I/O-EX modules have two communication ports: RS232 and RS485. The RS485
port communicates using E-Series protocol. Both ports support ModBus protocol.
The RS232 port is intended for configuration. The RS485 port is intended for normal
operation and can be used in a multi-drop setup.
There are two address switches on the base of the module. Setting both address switches
to 00 configures the module to use E-Series protocol on the RS485 port. When the
switches are set within the range 01-99, the module uses ModBus protocol on the RS485
port, with the ModBus address defined by the switches. Whenever these address switches
are changed the unit should be reset by disconnecting power.
When using E-Series protocol, the port settings are fixed at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no
parity, 1 stop bit.
The ModBus communications settings are configurable as follows:
ModBus type: RTU, ASCII with 8 data bits, ASCII with 7 data bits. (Note that the
configuration software only supports ModBus RTU. A ModBus Master can select ASCII
protocol by writing to the appropriate register. See Appendix A.)
Baud rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115200
Parity: none, odd, even
Stop bits: 1 or 2.
The modules are fitted with a termination switch for the RS485. Set this switch only on
the last module in a multi-drop RS485 configuration.
The WI Series software is used to configure the WI-I/O-EX modules as part of a network.
The hardware set-up for items such as expected pulse rates and analog signals is also
available through this software.
When used as a ModBus-only device, stand-alone configuration software (cfg_WI-I/O-
EX_Vx.xx.exe) is available to set up the modules. All required software may be
downloaded from the Weidmuller website (http://wireless.weidmuller.com).