USG SHEETROCK Plaster of Paris User Manual
Plaster of paris, Heetrock, Brand

Use cool, clean water and clean equipment; mix powder and water in proportions shown below. Mix to the consis-
tency of a smooth paste. Do not overthin. Avoid mixing more material than can be used in 15 minutes.
Mix powder thoroughly into water until completely wet. The initial mix should be slightly thicker or heavier than
the desired working consistency. Mix until smooth. Let this initial mix soak for approximately one minute. (Note: The
cooler the conditions, the longer the material must soak.) Remix approximately one minute, adding water to achieve
the desired working consistency. Do not mix with other compounds in wet or dry form. Do not retemper mix.
Water Added
Application Method
1 lb. (.45 kg)
6 oz. (177.4 mL)
1 lb. (.45 kg)
8 oz. (236.6 mL)
Molding and Casting
Setting Time
The setting time cannot be altered by dilution with water.
Setting Time Range:
20-30 minutes
Working Time:
15 minutes
Surface must be clean, dry and firm, and free of dust, loose material and grime.
To repair a small hole or crack, brush or wipe area clean. Use sponge to water-dampen area to be patched. Fill
crack or hole with S
Brand Plaster of Paris, using a putty knife and finish flush with the surface. If the
hole or crack is more than 1
Љ wide or 1/4Љ deep, apply a base coat of plaster. Let this harden and apply a second
coat flush with the surface.
For best results, wet-sand with sponge. Wait until plaster is dry. Saturate sponge with water, wringing out only
enough water to eliminate dripping. Rub area gently using a sweeping motion to remove high spots with as few
strokes as possible. Clean sponge often. If dry sanding, use 120-grit or finer sandpaper.
After patched surfaces are dry, apply a prime coat of S
Brand First Coat or an undiluted, good quality,
interior latex flat wall paint with high solids content. Allow to dry thoroughly. Follow manufacturer’s directions for
application of decorating product.
Pour smooth S
Brand Plaster of Paris mixture into mold. Be sure to pack plaster into mold with putty knife.
This will eliminate air pockets and ensure filling of all contours of casting form. Material will set within 30 minutes.
Carefully release from mold to avoid damaging cast.
Clean tools and containers with soap and water immediately after use and before material hardens.
Store in a clean, dry area. One year shelf life under protected storage conditions.
Plaster of Paris
Application Tips
Manufactured by
United States Gypsum Company
125 South Franklin Street
Chicago, IL 60606
800 USG.4YOU (874-4968)
©2004, United States Gypsum Company
Printed in U.S.A.
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We shall not be liable for inci-
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by application of these goods
not in accordance with current
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Any claim shall be deemed
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to us within thirty (30) days from
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Follow good safety practices.
Read material safety data
sheets and related literature on
products before specification
and/or installation.