USG ENVIRO-SHIELD Bonded Fiber Matrix Application Rates User Manual
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Improper Application
Proper Application
(Soil surface not completely covered with BFM)
(Soil surface completely covered)
Techniques for Special Soil Conditions
1) Some soils conditions require a few extra steps. Soils that are very dry will peel and fall due
to the weight of the BFM. If you experience this, or think that you will, it is recommended that
you first apply a very light layer of the BFM and water; approximately at a rate of 1,000 lb. per
acre. The damp soils will now be able to hold the BFM during application.
2) Clay soils can also be challenging. Sometimes the Bonded Fiber Matrix will slip, much
like on sand. A smooth clay slope is the most difficult. Again, it is recommended that a
very light layer of BFM be applied. Let dry completely. Depending on weather
conditions this will probably take an hour or two. Now, return to the site and apply the
complete application of 100% coverage.
Product Limitations:
1) Is not intended for permanent erosion control in non-vegetative applications. As vegetation
takes hold, ENVIRO-SHIELD™ slowly decomposes to enrich the soil.
2) Shall not to be used as a channel liner or in areas where site design concentrates overland
water flow.
3) Product shall be used to minimize surface or superficial erosion issues and not be used in
the prevention of landslides on soils that display deep seated instabilities, where soil
compaction problems exist or on soils that are subjected to frost heave and/or surface
peeling (loosening of top layer of soil).
4) Formula shall not be modified with additional polymers, tackifiers or other filler materials.
5) Failure can occur if coverage is too thin or non-uniformly applied. If BFM is applied at a rate
heavier than the soil can bear it will slide due to its weight. If this occurs, applicator will need
to return to the site after it has had time to dry and re-apply to at these areas. Please follow
application instructions or contact your local USG representative for more information.
6) USG denies responsibility for germination failure. This is due to many reasons beyond the
control of ENVIRO-SHIELD (poor soils, improper or bad seed, dry weather, etc.) and the
BFM may eventually wear away before germination occurs.
For further information:
Telephone: 1-800-487-4431