SciGene Little Dipper Processor for FISH User Manual
Page 12

Little Dipper
Processor for FISH— USER MANUAL
March 2013
LD for FISH manual 2.0; software 1.4 for FISH
B. Using the Touch Screen
Use the handheld touchscreen to navigate between screens, select and run protocols,
create new protocols and control instrument movement (Fig. 17). If the touchscreen
fails to respond, it may require calibration. See Section VI C. for details.
Fig. 17. Use touchscreen controls.
Fig. 18. Pause protocols as needed.
C. Using the Pause Button
The action of the instrument can be immediately stopped and restarted using the
illuminated red “P
” button at top right on the touchscreen. When pressed,
the instrument will stop and the button light will flash. To resume the protocol, press
the button again (Fig. 18).
D. Using the Emergency Stop
To immediately stop movement of the gripper arm and stir bars, press the red
Emergency Stop (EMO) button on the right side of the instrument (Fig. 19). Bath
heaters will continue to receive power. To restore power to the gripper arm and stir
bars, release the EMO button by rotating it a quarter turn clockwise (Fig. 20). To move
the arm, press Control Panel on the Home Page and use the up | down | left | right
buttons. To remove the slide rack, hold the rack and press the Open Gripper button on
the Control Panel screen. The protocol will not resume upon releasing the EMO switch
and must be restarted from the beginning.
If the touch screen does not illuminate when the unit is turned on, rotate the red
EMO button on the side of the instrument to release the emergency stop.
Fig. 19. Press EMO to stop.
Fig. 20. Rotate to restore power.