Salsbury Industries 1335 Series Cast Aluminum Plaques User Manual
Cast aluminum plaques – 1335 series, Hanging style installation instructions

Cast Aluminum Plaques – 1335 Series
Hanging Style Installation Instructions
Thank you for selecting Salsbury Industries’ 1335 cast aluminum
hanging style plaques. We are confident the quality and construction
of the plaque will prove to be a good investment.
The mailbox is attached to the classic mailbox post arm with four
carriage bolts, four washers, and four nuts.
The plaque, chains, and mounting bracket are factory assembled.
The hanging plaque bracket is fastened underneath the arm by the
two front carriage bolts that fasten the mailbox to the classic post
Plaque Installation with Mailbox Installation
When installing the hanging plaque at the same time the mailbox is
being installed, attach the plaque bracket underneath the arm with
the two front bolts, washers, and nuts. See the illustration for the
correct position of the bracket and the plaque.
Plaque Installation after Mailbox Installation
When installing the hanging plaque at any time after the mailbox has
been installed, remove the two front nuts and washers from the front
carriage bolts that attach the mailbox to the arm of the classic post.
Install the plaque bracket in the position shown in the illustration and
reinstall the two washers and nuts.
Other Plaque Installations
The hanging plaque can be used in other locations. The plaque and
mounting bracket with chains are factory assembled. This assembly
can be hung as a unit or the chains and bracket may be removed for
installation of the plaque alone. The holes in the bracket and the
holes in the plaque are 4” apart. The bracket has square holes and
can accommodate screws up to 5/16” diameter. The plaque has
round holes and can accommodate screws up to #10 diameter. See
next page for other typical applications.
Using a soft cloth or sponge, clean the plaque with liquid soap,
detergent, or diluted water-soluble household cleaners. Completely
remove residue of any cleaning products with water and dry with a
clean cloth.
1010 East 62
Street, Los Angeles, CA 90001-1598
Phone: 1-800-624-5269 Int’l Phone: 323-846-6700
Fax: 1-800-624-5299 Int’l Fax: 323-846-6800 engineering
4850 &1335 on 4891 Classic Post
Installation instructions are provided as general guidelines. It is advised that a professional installer be consulted. Salsbury Industries assumes no product assembly or installation liability.
Copyright © 2010 Salsbury Industries. All rights reserved. (Rev. 04, 2/17/2010)
Document Outline
- Cast Aluminum Plaques – 1335 Series
- Hanging Style Installation Instructions
- Thank you for selecting Salsbury Industries’ 1335 cast aluminum hanging style plaques. We are confident the quality and construction of the plaque will prove to be a good investment.
- Notes
- Plaque Installation with Mailbox Installation
- Plaque Installation after Mailbox Installation
- Other Plaque Installations
- Cleaning
- Hanging Style Installation Instructions