Opening and closing of the grinding chamber, Mounting the bottom sieve, Replacing the rotor – Retsch SM 100 User Manual
Page 27: Operating the machine, 3 opening and closing of the grinding chamber, Caution, 4 mounting the bottom sieve, 5 replacing the rotor

Operating the machine
Pos : 7. 8 / 00005 Übersc hrift en/1. 1 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bers chrift en BDA/ 11 Öff nen und sc hließ en des Ger ät es @ 1\ mod_1241510544133_9.doc @ 8826 @ 2 @ 1
5.3 Opening and closing of the grinding chamber
Pos : 7. 9 / 00004 War nhi nweis e/ V0063 VORSICHT Verl etz ung durch drehenden Rotor - Stillst and R ot or abwart en @ 3\ mod_1311157127479_9. doc @ 25300 @ @ 1
Possibility of personal injuries
Injuries due to rotating rotor
Reaching into the turning rotor
Never open the grinding chamber door while the rotor
or the motor is still rotating.
Pos : 7. 10 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/ SM100/ 0015 SM 100 Bedi enung/1560 SM 100 M odul Öff nen und sc hließ en des G erät es @ 3\ mod_1284973925148_9.doc @ 23755 @ @ 1
Stop the device by actuating the switch (
Open the grinding area door by turning the handle (
Fig. 7: Opening the grinding area door
Pos : 7. 11 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Ei ns etz en der Bodensi ebe @ 1\ mod_1241510694791_9.doc @ 8840 @ @ 1
5.4 Mounting the bottom sieve
Pos : 7. 12 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/ SM100/ 0015 SM 100 Bedi enung/1515 SM 100 M odul Eins et zen der Bodensiebe @ 3\ mod_1284973915757_9. doc @ 23674 @ @ 1
Select the appropriate bottom sieve.
Open the mill housing and slide the bottom sieve (
I) of your choice into the
Pos : 7. 13 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Wec hs el der R ot oren @ 1\ mod_1241510739447_9.doc @ 8847 @ @ 1
5.5 Replacing the rotor
Pos : 7. 14 /00004 Warnhinweis e/ V0027 VOR SICHT Sc hnitt verletzungen R ot or wec hs el und R einigung @ 2\ mod_1259065354428_9. doc @ 17601 @ @ 1
Injuries in the form of cuts
Sharp cutting edges on the rotors and cutting bars
The sharp cutting edges on the rotors and cutting bars can injure hands.
Wear protective gloves when replacing the cutting rotors and
cleaning the grinding chamber.
Use the rotor extraction tool when handling the cutting rotors.
Pos : 7. 15 /00004 Warnhinweis e/H 0012 HIN WEIS Minder ung von Wer kzeugst andz eit en Abrasi ve Wer kst of fe @ 1\ mod_1241695652739_9.doc @ 9500 @ @ 1