Safety and occupational health instructions, 4 cryogenic burns – Retsch Cryomill User Manual

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Safety and occupational health instructions


may not be transported in vehicles in filled state.

must be protected from impact, knocks and rapid movements.

Ventilate all installation rooms constantly and appropriately.

Wear protective clothing (suitable gloves, goggles or face protection and
safety shoes).

Check the oxygen content of the room constantly.

Always carry an oxygen metre.

Only trained personnel may work with liquid nitrogen.

This list is not complete.

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General conduct in the case of an accident

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In the case of an accident from oxygen deficiency the following regulations should
be observed.

Secure the surrounding area to avoid any subsequent accidents.

Act quickly.

The rescuers must take measures to protect themselves (respiratory
protection device).

Move the injured persons from the hazardous area.

Observe the company instructions for emergencies.

Ventilate the rooms affected sufficiently.

Investigate the cause of the accident.

This list is not complete.

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9.4 Cryogenic burns

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Liquid nitrogen is very cold (-196° C).

The surfaces of vessels that were in contact in liquid nitrogen (in particular during
the filling process) may cause skin burns on contact.

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Cryogenic liquids may:

bring about burns to the human body

make specific materials (metal and plastic) that are not suitable for low
temperatures brittle

generate strong misting depending on atmospheric humidity

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There are two types of cryogenic burns:

Burns through splashes

When handling samples and in general when handling liquid nitrogen, personnel
must protect themselves from splashes. They can cause cryogenic burns with
serious consequential damage, in particular to eyes and face.