Transport, scope of delivery, installation, 11 cold air outlet, Caution – Retsch Cryomill User Manual

Page 24: 12 mounting the exhaust hose

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Transport, scope of delivery, installation


Abb. 14: pressure relief

Press the (B10) pre-cooling and (B13) START keys simultaneously for 2


As long as you keep the keys depressed, the solenoid valve will remain open.

Pos : 5. 39 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Kaltl uft- Aus tritt @ 0\ mod_1232374121848_9.doc @ 5510 @ @ 1

4.11 Cold air outlet

Pos : 5. 40 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/Cr yoMill II /0006 Tr ansport, Li ef erumf ang und Aufs tell en / 0010 Cr yoMi ll II M odul Kal tluf taustrit t VOR SICHT @ 5\ mod_1344511373029_9.doc @ 33974 @ @ 1

Fig. 15: Outlet for gaseous nitrogen (B)


Risk of injury to eyes and skin
Outlet for gaseous nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen has a temperature of

–196 °C and can cause burn-like

injuries or frostbite in the case of contact with the skin or eyes.

Do not keep any parts of the body in front of the outlet for gaseous
nitrogen (B).

Pos : 5. 41 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Abluftsc hlauc h montier en @ 5\ mod_1344522887327_9. doc @ 34030 @ 2 @ 1

4.12 Mounting the exhaust hose

Pos : 5. 42 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/Cr yoMill II /0006 Tr ansport, Li ef erumf ang und Aufs tell en / 0005 Cr yoMi ll II M odul Abl uf tsc hlauch @ 5\ mod_1344519211701_9. doc @ 34020 @ @ 1


