Total filtration – optional, Ma and mas, Total filtration – optional ma and mas – RaySafe Solo User Manual

Page 31

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hVl is an indication of the beam quality and is defined as the amount of Al filtration, measured in mm, needed
to reduce the dose in half. hVl is kVp dependent and hVl should not be confused with total filtration.

hVl is available for R/f, MAM, MAM dose, RAd, dose and dent detectors equipped with the hVl kit option.

totAl fIltRAtIon – optIonAl

total filtration is a calculation of the amount of physical filtration between the X-ray source and the patient,
expressed in equivalent amount of mm Al.

the total filtration value measured may differ from the filtration stated by the X-ray manufacturer, as there might
be additional filtration not specified by the manufacturer.

mA And mAs

the RaySafe Solo is capable of measuring mA, mAs and time. If the peak mA is > 8 mA, it can also measure
pulses, frame rate and mAs per pulse.

When an exposure longer than 6 seconds has ended, a mA value recorded approximately 2 s before end trig is


RaySafe Solo User Manual – Measurement definitions