Precision Turbo and Engine BigStuff3 GEN3 1st Gear Spark Retard with Traction Control System (SR2) User Manual
Page 9
Rev 1.0
Next, go back to the main tool bar and select “1
Stage Boost Retard”. The screen
below will open. The amount of timing retard applied, by the GEN3 ECU at each RPM
point, is determined using the “1
Stage Boost Spark Table” shown below.
Once the initial RPM and Spark Retard tables have been configured, all subsequent modifications can be
made using the ”Gear 1 Retard Graph”. To open the “Gear 1 Retard Graph”, go to main BigComm tool bar
and select “Boost” and then “Gear 1 Retard Graph” as shown below.
The graph and related table below will open.
The values
entered into the
Gear RPM
Axis Config
table becomes
the X Axis in the
1st Stage Boost
Spark Table
The RPM value in this cell should be 500
RPM below the Max 2-Step RPM value in the
Op Cfg tab