Launch vehicle to payload icd, Icd verification documentation, Preliminary mission analyses – Orbital Minotaur VI User Manual
Page 86: Coupled loads analyses (cla), Integrated launch site procedures

Minotaur IV • V • VI User’s Guide
Section 6.0 – Mission Integration Launch Vehicle to Payload ICD
The launch vehicle-to-payload ICD details all of the mission-unique requirements agreed upon by Orbital
and the customer. The ICD is a critical document used to ensure compatibility of all launch vehicle and
payload interfaces, as well as defining all mission-specific and mission-unique requirements. The ICD
contains the payload description, electrical and mechanical interfaces, environmental requirements,
targeting parameters, mission-peculiar vehicle requirement description, and unique GSE and facilities
required. As a critical part of this document, Orbital provides a comprehensive matrix that lists all ICD
requirements and the method in which these requirements are verified, as well as who is responsible.
The launch vehicle to payload ICD, as well as the Payload Mechanical ICD and Electrical ICD are
configuration controlled documents that are approved by Orbital and the customer. Once released,
changes to these documents are formally issued and approved by both parties. The ICDs are reviewed in
detail as part of the MIWG process. ICD Verification Documentation
Orbital conducts a rigorous verification program to ensure all requirements on both sides of the launch
vehicle-to-payload interface have been successfully fulfilled. Like the customer-provided verification data
discussed in Section, Orbital will provide the customer with similar data for all interfaces that are
the responsibility of launch vehicle to verify. This documentation is used as part of the team effort to show
that a thorough verification of all ICD requirements has been completed. Preliminary Mission Analyses
Orbital performs preliminary mission analyses to determine the compatibility of the payload with the
Minotaur launch vehicle and to provide succinct, detailed mission requirements such as launch vehicle
trajectory information, performance capability, accuracy estimates and preliminary mission sequencing.
Much of the data derived from the preliminary mission analyses is used to establish the ICD and to
perform initial range coordination. Coupled Loads Analyses (CLA)
Orbital has developed and validated finite element structural models of the Minotaur vehicle for use in
CLAs with Minotaur payloads. Orbital will incorporate the customer-provided payload model into the
Minotaur finite element model and perform a preliminary CLA to determine the maximum responses of the
entire integrated stack under transient loads. Once a test validated spacecraft model has been delivered
to Orbital, a final CLA load cycle is completed. Through close coordination between the customer and the
Orbital, interim results can be made available to support the customer’s schedule critical needs. Integrated Launch Site Procedures
For each mission, Orbital prepares integrated procedures for various operations that involve the payload
at the processing facility and launch site. These include, but are not limited to: payload mate to the
Minotaur launch vehicle; fairing encapsulation; mission simulations; final vehicle closeouts, and transport
of the integrated launch vehicle/payload to the launch pad. Once customer inputs are received, Orbital
will develop draft procedures for review and comment. Once concurrence is reached, final procedures will
be released prior to use. Draft hazardous procedures must be presented to the appropriate launch site
safety organization 90 days prior to use and final hazardous procedures are due 45 days prior to use.
Release 2.0
June 2013