Inspection – Multiquip SP2S20H User Manual
Page 26

page 26 — Sp2S20h paVeMeNT SaW • operaTioN MaNual — reV. #1 (02/17/12)
2. Check that the guard seats firmly upon the bayonet
fitting of the saw frame.
3. Check that the spring tensioned front cover of the guard
is firmly seated with the rear section of the guard, and
there are no gaps.
4. Check the fit of the water hoses in the sides of the
blade guard.
NeVer lift the blade guard while cutting.
5. Check that the flood water tubes are clear and open.
Test the water supply for pressure and flow (to both
sides of the blade) before sawing operations.
Check the following on the blade flange cover (Figure 11):
Figure 11. Blade Flange Cover
6. Check that the flange cover seats firmly upon the
bayonet fitting of the saw frame prior to operation.
7. This flange cover is to be in place when cutting from
either the right or left side of the saw.
V-BelTS aligNMeNT aND TeNSioNiNg
This saw is equipped with 4 premium V-belts that have
been aligned and tensioned by factory personnel. All V-belts
MuST be installed for proper operation of the saw. Running
the saw with less than the required number of belts may
damage the saw or equipment.
Perform the following to check the alignment of V-belts:
1. Remove the bolts that secure the V-belt cover
(Figure 12) to the saw frame.
Figure 12. V-Belt Cover Removal
2. Check uniform parallelism (Figure 13) of V-belts and
pulley (sheaves). Use a straight edge or machinists's
square against both pulleys and adjust both pulleys
until equally aligned.
Figure 13. V-Belt Parallelism