Options – Multiquip J36E2 User Manual
Page 22

page 22 — J36e2 elecTric WalK-BeHiND TrOWel • OperaTiON aND parTs maNUal — rev. #0 (07/24/12)
Blades are a vital part of finishing concrete. This trowel,
or finisher, has been designed to finish concrete and the
blades are built to stringent quality standards out of the
finest steel.
If you need replacement blades, consult the parts list in
this manual for part numbers and order them from your
Multiquip parts dealer or importer.
combo Blades
This trowel is equipped with combination float/finish (Figure
13) blades as original equipment. These blades have been
designed for optimum performance in both the floating and
finishing operations. These blades are versatile and should
take care of most troweling needs.
Figure 13. Combination Blade
Finish Blades (Optional)
These blades (Figure 14) have been specifically designed
for finish operations with this trowel. They will provide a
premium surface finishing capability from your trowel. They
should only be used after the concrete has set to the point
where the trowel does not sink into the concrete when
placed on it.
Figure 14. Finish Blade
clip-On Float Blades (Optional)
These blades will clip (Figure 15) onto an existing installed
blade, allowing your finisher to float on “wet” concrete so
that the troweling operation can begin as early as possible.
Trowel blades should be changed when they fail to finish
concrete in a satisfactory manner.
These blades are easily removable, so that after the floating
operation, when the concrete is sufficiently cured, they can
be removed to expose the finish blades for continued
Figure 15. Clip-On Float Blade
Float Discs (Optional)
These round discs (Figure 16) attach to the spiders and
allow the machine to “float” on “wet” concrete. The disc
design allows early floating and easy movement from wet
to dry areas. They are also very effective in embedding
large aggregates and surface hardeners.
Figure 16. Float Disk/Pan
Trowel arm adjustment Tool (Optional)
If blades show uneven wear patterns or some tend to wear
out faster than others, the trowel arms may. need to be
adjusted. A special tool is available (Figure 17) that will
adjust all of the trowel arms consistently. The Trowel Arm
Fixture P/N is 1817.
Figure 17. Trowel Arm Adjustment Fixture