MTS Clip-On Gages User Manual

Page 26

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D. Attach the clip-on gage to the calibrator. This figure shows a

typical installation.

Each clip-on gage can use a variety of extensions,
attachments, and other mounting accessories.


Prepare to use the calibration controls on your controller.


Adjust the excitation control to set the excitation to +6 V DC
or the voltage specified in the clip-on gage documentation.

2. Zero the conditioner output.

The arms of the clip-on gage must be in the zero reference position
(which should be the compressed gage length).

Adjust the zero control to set the clip-on gage signal to 0.00 V DC.


Several clip-on gages have asymmetrical outputs. This means
that the compression and tension outputs are not equal. Ensure
that you are aware of the maximum ratings of the clip-on gage
you are calibrating.

3. Adjust compression.

A. Adjust the calibrator between zero and 100% compression of

the clip-on gage’s full-scale range three times. This exercises
the clip-on gage to remove any hysteresis.

B. Adjust the calibrator for the 80% compression setting (or the

range being calibrated) and note the voltmeter reading.

If the meter reading is less than -8 V DC you can adjust gain.
Adjust the gain control to set the clip-on gage signal to -8 V
DC (or 80% of your calculated output).

If you cannot adjust the gain control to set the clip-on gage
signal to -8 V DC, you can change the excitation voltage.

4. Readjust the zero and compression.

Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 until the zero and gain outputs can be
measured without readjustment.

5. Adjust tension.

A. Adjust the calibrator between zero and 100% tension of the

clip-on gage’s full-scale range three times. This exercises the
clip-on gage to remove any hysteresis.