MTS Clip-On Gages User Manual

Page 16

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Some clip-on displacement gages are designed for use at very high
frequencies. Because of their sensitivity, visual monitoring of the
specimen is not required. Crack growth will be apparent on the

What you need to know

This manual assumes that you know how to use your system controller.
See the appropriate manual for information about performing any
controller-related step in this manual’s procedures. You are expected to
know how to:

Select a control mode.

Manually adjust the actuator position.

Zero a sensor output.

Install a test specimen.

Related documentation

This manual covers topics that are common among all transducers.
Specific information about a given clip-on gage is available from the
drawings that are included with it.

Each clip-on gage includes the following documents:

An installation drawing provides the specifications for your clip-on
gage. It also includes detailed drawings and notes related to setting
up and installing the clip-on gage.

A Final Inspection card provides information such as the serial
number, as-tested excitation voltage, and other performance data.

An Extensometer Calibration Data sheet is included when MTS
calibrates the clip-on gage.

You might have drawings for optional kits for your clip-on gage.
These drawings include specifications and installation information
for the given option.

You might have a model application drawing that lists the family of
clip-on gages for the model number you purchased. It lists the
specification differences among the clip-on gage family. The
drawing also includes the part number of the installation drawing
for your clip-on gage and the wiring diagram of the connector.

This manual is designed to be used with these documents.