Read all manuals, Locate and read hazard placards/labels, Know facility safe procedures – MTS Series 685 Hydraulic Grip Supply User Manual

Page 20: Know controls, Know specimen properties

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Series 685 Grip Supply Product Information


General Safety Practices


of the hazards that apply to your system at all times. Use these safety guidelines
to help learn and identify hazards so that you can establish appropriate training
and operating procedures and acquire appropriate safety equipment (such as
gloves, goggles, and hearing protection).

Each test system operates within a unique environment which includes the
following known variables:

Facility variables (facility variables include the structure, atmosphere, and

Unauthorized customer modifications to the equipment

Operator experience and specialization

Test specimens

Because of these variables (and the possibility of others), your system can
operate under unforeseen circumstances that can result in an operating
environment with unknown hazards.

Improper installation, operation, or maintenance of your system can result in
hazardous conditions that can cause death, personal injury, or damage to the
equipment or to the specimen. Common sense and a thorough knowledge of the
system’s operating capabilities can help to determine an appropriate and safe
approach to its operation.

Read all manuals

Study the contents of this manual and the other manuals provided with your
system before attempting to perform any system function for the first time.
Procedures that seem relatively simple or intuitively obvious may require a
complete understanding of system operation to avoid unsafe or dangerous

Locate and read

hazard placards/labels

Find, read, and follow the hazard placard instructions located on the equipment.
These placards are placed strategically on the equipment to call attention to areas
such as known crush points, electrical voltage, and high pressure hazards.

Know facility safe


Most facilities have internal procedures and rules regarding safe practices within
the facility. Be aware of these safe practices and incorporate them into your daily
operation of the system.

Know controls

Before you operate the system for the first time, make a trial run through the
operating procedures with the power off. Locate all hardware and software
controls and know what their functions are and what adjustments they require. If
any control function or operating adjustment is not clear, review the applicable
information until you understand it thoroughly.

Know specimen


The user is responsible for understanding the characteristics of the test specimen.
Be sure to use appropriate personal protective equipment (clothing, hand gloves,
eye protection, and so forth.).

Use protective guards such as cages, enclosures, and special laboratory layouts
when you work with hazardous test specimens (for example, brittle or
fragmenting materials or materials that are internally pressurized).