2 optimising the system, Optimising the system, 8defining the cycle time of the plc project – Lenze PROFINET Controller-based Automation User Manual
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Lenze · Controller-based Automation · PROFINET® Communication Manual · DMS 1.2 EN · 04/2014 · TD17
Defining the cycle time of the PLC project
Optimising the system
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Optimising the system
How to optimise the system:
1. Use the menu command Online Login, or log in on the Lenze controller with
With the log-in, the I/O device configuration is loaded into the controller.
2. Check the task processing times.
3. Optimising the cycle times:
• If technologically required, the cycle times of the remaining tasks with lower priorities
can be decreased.
• Condition: No task with a low priority must assign more than 60 percent of the
corresponding cycle time in its task utilisation.
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