Optional accessories – Leica Biosystems SM2010 R User Manual
Page 37

Leica SM2010 R
7. Optional Accessories
Blade holder SE, assembly
Easily converted from a low-profile to high-profile
blade holder by switching the pressure plate.
Adjusting the clearance angle using an Allen key.
Blade holder declination with scale for reproduc-
ible adjustment up to 45°. Safe insertion of the
disposable blade using a magnet and insertion
aid on the blade holder.
Central disposable blade clamp. Precise and safe,
lateral displacement of the blade for using the
entire blade length. Safe removal of a used dis-
posable blade by using the removal aid integrated
into the knife guard. Space-saving knife guard
with integrated blade removal tool in signal color.
Standard delivery:
- 1 blade holder base ....................14 0508 44719
- 1 grooved plate ............................14 0508 43643
- 1 stopper .......................................14 0508 44664
- 6 countersunk screws, Torx ......14 3000 00227
Blade holder for SB ........Order No. 14 0508 43196
Blade holder for BB ........Order No. 14 0508 42775
Fig. 42
Pressure plate kit SB, assembly
consisting of:
- 1 pressure plate SB ....................14 0508 43692
- 1 blade insertion aid SB .............14 0508 43686
Fig. 43
Pressure plate kit BB, assembly
consisting of:
- 1 pressure plate BB ....................14 0508 43691
- 1 blade insertion aid BB .............14 0508 43687
- 1 knife guard ................................14 0368 33772
- 1 blade holder SE, assembly
• Segment arc SB .......................14 0508 44853
• Segment arc BB .......................14 0508 44854
Order No. ............................................14 0508 43693
Order No. ............................................14 0508 43694